ASC Senior
6 Weekly swim sessions
2 Dryland sessions led by certified strength and conditioning coach
M – F 6:30 – 8:15 pm
S 7:00 – 9:00 AM
Tier 6 - $355 Monthly Payment Option
Tier 6 - $3791 Annual Payment Option

Senior is comprised of swimmers 14 years of age and older. Senior athletes come to practice working hard, continue to cultivate a love for swimming, and enhance their knowledge of the details of proper stroke mechanics. Senior will teach swimmers the value of competition and self-improvement to achieve 'A' times, and excel in high school swimming, as well as pursue collegiate swimming. The importance of hard work, team unity, and accountability is reinforced daily in Senior.  These athletes should aim for 75% attendance.

Monthly Fees : Austin Swim Club’s yearly registration runs from September 1 through August 31. Austin Swim Club training fees are billed monthly. The amount of the monthly fees that an athlete will be charged is based on the training group that the athlete is placed into by the Austin Swim Club coaching staff. If a swimmer moves to a different practice group, they will begin paying the new group monthly rate from first day of the first full month that the athlete moves into the new group through the remainder of the swim year. For athletes that are current members of Austin Swim Club or athletes that join Austin Swim Club prior to September 1, the first monthly payment is due at the beginning of the swim year on September 1. If the athlete joins Austin Swim Club after September 1, the first monthly payment is due on the date that the athlete joins Austin Swim Club. Athletes must pay for the entire month of the month that they join Austin Swim Club from the 1 st day of the month through the 15th day of the month. Half of the monthly dues will be charged for swimmers after the 16th of the month through the last day of the month, without regard to the number of days in the initial month that the athlete trains with Austin Swim Club. Monthly Rates will not be prorated other than stated above for any reason. All regular monthly payments are due on the first of the month and will be charged to the account’s credit card.